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Build date: 2013-05-16 14:36:50 (f9be68accb407158ba2b1be2c226a6ce1f649314)
 * Plugin to add header resizing functionality to a HeaderContainer.
 * Always resizing header to the left of the splitter you are resizing.
Ext.define('Ext.grid.plugin.HeaderResizer', {
    extend: 'Ext.AbstractPlugin',
    requires: ['Ext.dd.DragTracker', 'Ext.util.Region'],
    alias: 'plugin.gridheaderresizer',

    disabled: false,

    config: {
         * @cfg {Boolean} dynamic
         * True to resize on the fly rather than using a proxy marker.
         * @accessor
        dynamic: false

    colHeaderCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'column-header',

    minColWidth: 40,
    maxColWidth: 1000,
    wResizeCursor: 'col-resize',
    eResizeCursor: 'col-resize',
    // not using w and e resize bc we are only ever resizing one
    // column
    //wResizeCursor: Ext.isWebKit ? 'w-resize' : 'col-resize',
    //eResizeCursor: Ext.isWebKit ? 'e-resize' : 'col-resize',

    init: function(headerCt) {
        this.headerCt = headerCt;
        headerCt.on('render', this.afterHeaderRender, this, {single: true});

     * @private
     * AbstractComponent calls destroy on all its plugins at destroy time.
    destroy: function() {
        if (this.tracker) {

    afterHeaderRender: function() {
        var headerCt = this.headerCt,
            el = headerCt.el;

        headerCt.mon(el, 'mousemove', this.onHeaderCtMouseMove, this);

        this.tracker = new Ext.dd.DragTracker({
            disabled: this.disabled,
            onBeforeStart: Ext.Function.bind(this.onBeforeStart, this),
            onStart: Ext.Function.bind(this.onStart, this),
            onDrag: Ext.Function.bind(this.onDrag, this),
            onEnd: Ext.Function.bind(this.onEnd, this),
            tolerance: 3,
            autoStart: 300,
            el: el

    // As we mouse over individual headers, change the cursor to indicate
    // that resizing is available, and cache the resize target header for use
    // if/when they mousedown.
    onHeaderCtMouseMove: function(e, t) {
        var me = this,
            headerEl, overHeader, resizeHeader, resizeHeaderOwnerGrid, ownerGrid;

        if (me.headerCt.dragging) {
            if (me.activeHd) {
                me.activeHd.el.dom.style.cursor = '';
                delete me.activeHd;
        } else {
            headerEl = e.getTarget('.' + me.colHeaderCls, 3, true);

            if (headerEl){
                overHeader = Ext.getCmp(headerEl.id);

                // On left edge, go back to the previous non-hidden header.
                if (overHeader.isOnLeftEdge(e)) {
                    resizeHeader = overHeader.previousNode('gridcolumn:not([hidden]):not([isGroupHeader])')
                    // There may not *be* a previous non-hidden header.
                    if (resizeHeader) {

                        ownerGrid = me.headerCt.up('tablepanel');
                        resizeHeaderOwnerGrid = resizeHeader.up('tablepanel');

                        // Need to check that previousNode didn't go outside the current grid/tree
                        // But in the case of a Grid which contains a locked and normal grid, allow previousNode to jump
                        // from the first column of the normalGrid to the last column of the lockedGrid
                        if (!((resizeHeaderOwnerGrid === ownerGrid) || ((ownerGrid.ownerCt.isXType('tablepanel')) && ownerGrid.ownerCt.view.lockedGrid === resizeHeaderOwnerGrid))) {
                            resizeHeader = null;
                // Else, if on the right edge, we're resizing the column we are over
                else if (overHeader.isOnRightEdge(e)) {
                    resizeHeader = overHeader;
                // Between the edges: we are not resizing
                else {
                    resizeHeader = null;

                // We *are* resizing
                if (resizeHeader) {
                    // If we're attempting to resize a group header, that cannot be resized,
                    // so find its last visible leaf header; Group headers are sized
                    // by the size of their child headers.
                    if (resizeHeader.isGroupHeader) {
                        prevSiblings = resizeHeader.getGridColumns();
                        resizeHeader = prevSiblings[prevSiblings.length - 1];

                    // Check if the header is resizable. Continue checking the old "fixed" property, bug also
                    // check whether the resizable property is set to false.
                    if (resizeHeader && !(resizeHeader.fixed || (resizeHeader.resizable === false) || me.disabled)) {
                        me.activeHd = resizeHeader;
                        overHeader.el.dom.style.cursor = me.eResizeCursor;
                        if (overHeader.triggerEl) {
                            overHeader.triggerEl.dom.style.cursor = me.eResizeCursor;
                // reset
                } else {
                    overHeader.el.dom.style.cursor = '';
                    if (overHeader.triggerEl) {
                        overHeader.triggerEl.dom.style.cursor = '';
                    me.activeHd = null;

    // only start when there is an activeHd
    onBeforeStart : function(e) {
        // cache the activeHd because it will be cleared.
        this.dragHd = this.activeHd;

        if (!!this.dragHd && !this.headerCt.dragging) {
            this.tracker.constrainTo = this.getConstrainRegion();
            return true;
        } else {
            this.headerCt.dragging = false;
            return false;

    // get the region to constrain to, takes into account max and min col widths
    getConstrainRegion: function() {
        var me       = this,
            dragHdEl = me.dragHd.el,
            rightAdjust = 0,

        // If forceFit, then right constraint is based upon not being able to force the next header
        // beyond the minColWidth. If there is no next header, then the header may not be expanded.
        if (me.headerCt.forceFit) {
            nextHd = me.dragHd.nextNode('gridcolumn:not([hidden]):not([isGroupHeader])');
            if (nextHd) {
                if (!me.headerInSameGrid(nextHd)) {
                    nextHd = null;
                rightAdjust = nextHd.getWidth() - me.minColWidth;

        // If resize header is in a locked grid, the maxWidth has to be 30px within the available locking grid's width
        else if ((lockedGrid = me.dragHd.up('tablepanel')).isLocked) {
            rightAdjust = me.dragHd.up('[scrollerOwner]').getWidth() - lockedGrid.getWidth() - 30;

        // Else ue our default max width
        else {
            rightAdjust = me.maxColWidth - dragHdEl.getWidth();

        return me.adjustConstrainRegion(

    // initialize the left and right hand side markers around
    // the header that we are resizing
    onStart: function(e){
        var me       = this,
            dragHd   = me.dragHd,
            width    = dragHd.el.getWidth(),
            headerCt = dragHd.getOwnerHeaderCt(),
            x, y, gridSection, markerOwner, lhsMarker, rhsMarker, markerHeight;

        me.headerCt.dragging = true;
        me.origWidth = width;

        // setup marker proxies
        if (!me.dynamic) {
            gridSection  = markerOwner = headerCt.up('tablepanel');
            if (gridSection.ownerLockable) {
                markerOwner = gridSection.ownerLockable;
            x            = me.getLeftMarkerX(markerOwner);
            lhsMarker    = markerOwner.getLhsMarker();
            rhsMarker    = markerOwner.getRhsMarker();
            markerHeight = gridSection.body.getHeight() + headerCt.getHeight();
            y            = headerCt.getOffsetsTo(markerOwner)[1];

            me.setMarkerX(lhsMarker, x);
            me.setMarkerX(rhsMarker, x + width);

    // synchronize the rhsMarker with the mouse movement
    onDrag: function(e){
        var me = this,
        if (me.dynamic) {
        } else {
            markerOwner = this.headerCt.up('tablepanel');
            if (markerOwner.ownerLockable) {
                markerOwner = markerOwner.ownerLockable;
            this.setMarkerX(this.getMovingMarker(markerOwner), this.calculateDragX(markerOwner));
    getMovingMarker: function(markerOwner){
        return markerOwner.getRhsMarker();

    onEnd: function(e) {
        this.headerCt.dragging = false;
        if (this.dragHd) {
            if (!this.dynamic) {
                var markerOwner = this.headerCt.up('tablepanel');

                // hide markers
                if (markerOwner.ownerLockable) {
                    markerOwner = markerOwner.ownerLockable;
                this.setMarkerX(markerOwner.getLhsMarker(), -9999);
                this.setMarkerX(markerOwner.getRhsMarker(), -9999);

    doResize: function() {
        var me = this,
            dragHd = me.dragHd,
        if (dragHd) {
            offset = me.tracker.getOffset('point');

            // resize the dragHd
            if (dragHd.flex) {
                delete dragHd.flex;


            // Set the new column width.
            // In the case of forceFit, change the following Header width.
            // Constraining so that neither neighbour can be sized to below minWidth is handled in getConstrainRegion
            if (me.headerCt.forceFit) {
                nextHd = dragHd.nextNode('gridcolumn:not([hidden]):not([isGroupHeader])');
                if (nextHd && !me.headerInSameGrid(nextHd)) {
                    nextHd = null;
                if (nextHd) {
                    delete nextHd.flex;
                    nextHd.setWidth(nextHd.getWidth() - offset[0]);

            // Apply the two width changes by laying out the owning HeaderContainer
    // nextNode can traverse out of this grid, possibly to others on the page, so limit it here
    headerInSameGrid: function(header) {
        var grid = this.dragHd.up('tablepanel');
        return !!header.up(grid);

    disable: function() {
        this.disabled = true;
        if (this.tracker) {

    enable: function() {
        this.disabled = false;
        if (this.tracker) {

    calculateDragX: function(markerOwner) {
        return this.tracker.getXY('point')[0] - markerOwner.getX() - markerOwner.el.getBorderWidth('l');

    getLeftMarkerX: function(markerOwner) {
        return this.dragHd.getX() - markerOwner.getX() - markerOwner.el.getBorderWidth('l') - 1;

    setMarkerX: function(marker, x) {

    adjustConstrainRegion: function(region, t, r, b, l) {
        return region.adjust(t, r, b, l);

    adjustColumnWidth: function(offsetX) {
        this.dragHd.setWidth(this.origWidth + offsetX);